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Allikaviidete toimetamine

Kerge toimetamine


80 lk päevas

A clean and consistent style

We ensure that your in-text references and bibliography are formatted consistently, correcting spelling, grammar and punctuation along the way. We can also reformat your references according to our house style, based on the Chicago Manual of Style.

house style, language check, consistency check

Põhjalik allikaviidete toimetamine


26 lk päevas

Vabalt valitud vormistus ja sisukontroll

All the features of our basic service, with the added benefit of references customised to any style you prefer. We’ll also go over your bibliography with a fine-tooth comb to fill in or bring to your attention any missing details and information.

custom styles, language check, consistency and content check

Allikaloendi koostamine


20 lk päevas

Formatting backed by research

A deep dive into your references and bibliography. Our editors close-read your text and do the research to ensure that you have all the necessary references, properly formatted to the style of your choice, and without mistakes or missing details. If you're looking for total peace of mind, this is the service for you.

custom styles, language check, consistency and content check, bibliography research

Vilunud toimetajad, kes töötavad oma emakeeles

Kuni 80 lk päevas tavahinnaga

Nutikad tarkvaratööriistad

Teenused ja hinnad*

Õigekiri ja grammatika

Lõikude vormindus ja järjestus

Ühtlane vormistus

Piiratud valik stiilijuhendeid

Valik stiilijuhendeid

Missing details

Märgime ära puudused ja parandame lihtsad vead.



alates 11 €/lk

7,25 €/lk



alates 14,25 €/lk

Märgime ära kõik puudused ja parandame lihtsad vead.

Parandame kõik vead.

* Teenustele kehtivad meie üldtingimused.

* Hindadele lisandub käibemaks.

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