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20 lk päevas
This entry-level service provides a straightforward, keyword-based index to help your reader navigate the text with ease. Our team ensures accurate page referencing for key terms, as well as indexing figures, tables and other critical elements. This service is ideal for texts with a clear and limited range of topics.
simplicity, focus, function
Põhjalik indeks
Terviklik lähenemine keerukatele tekstidokumentidele
14 lk päevas
We build the index from the ground up organised around key themes, authors and subtopics. This service is perfect for more complex texts, designed to help your reader easily track your most important ideas and concepts. Thematic categories and sub-indexes deliver the foundation for in-depth research and reference, elevating your text’s value as a vehicle for sharing new knowledge.
accessibility, completeness, structure
Vilunud toimetajad, kes töötavad oma emakeeles
Kuni 20 lk päevas tavahinnaga
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* Teenustele kehtivad meie üldtingimused.
* Hindadele lisandub käibemaks.